Excursions in Bulgaria: Sunny beach- Sozopol - Castle Ravadinovo - Ropotamo reserve.
- Sozopol. А stroll in the Old town of Sozopol - unique combination of ancient architecture, archeological discoveries and romantic atmosphere.
Nowadays the picturesque town of
Sozopol is particularly attractive for true connoisseurs of ancient architecture and romantic atmosphere. For many decades, narrow and steep cobbled streets of the town of
Sozopol , its old wooden houses with bay windows and red tile, attract actors, artists, poets. It is in the street ensemble unique charm of
Sozopol .

Relax in the restaurants in the Old town all made and equipped in Ancient Traditional Bulgarian style and enjoy the delicious traditional Bulgarian cuisine admiring the stunning views the sea.
- Sozopol - touch the relics of St. John the Baptist / Church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - in the summer; Church "St. George" - in the winter /
After the discovery of the relics of St. John the Baptist on the island of St. Ivan near Sozopol - Sozopol has become a center of pilgrimage tourism.
The history of all Christendom is full of legends and real stories of relics of various saints. Especially exciting for believers and pilgrims in the Holy Land was the search for the remains of Saint John the Baptist.
In June 2010, during excavations of St. Ivan Island near Sozopol, team of Bulgarian archaeologists came across a sealed alabaster reliquary containing tooth, bone fragments of hand, heel and vamp. But nonbody thought they have made a major breakthrough not only in Bulgarian but in the world biblical archeology too. Subsequently, scientists led by prof. Kazimir Popkonstantinov found that the reliquary found in the altar of the oldest church on the island dates back to the IV century, and rely on it and caption. According to him, during this century one Thomas brought exactly on the birthday of St. John the Baptist's relics. The news of the discovery caused a serious tourist and pilgrim influx to the church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius "in Sozopol, where relics have been exposed in summer and today. The reliquary is carried in the IV century monastery on St. Ivan Island. The monastery existed 12 centuries thii the Turkish pressure when the monks leave the church in 1620.

- Ravadinovo village - the Castle "In love with the Wind" /The Castle of Ravadinovo/

If you think you've seen all the beauty and romance in this excursion, you are completely wrong, from this moment you will enjoy them more and more. The Castle of Ravadinovo will leave you absolutely astonished by its beaty and glamour.

The Castle "In love with the wind" better known as the castle Ravadinovo is an exceptional combination of architecture, flora and fauna. In the small village Ravadinovo, 2 km from Sozopol, George Tumpalov has made his childhood dream - a fairy-tale castle full with greenery with huge garden, peacocks, a lake with swans and a lot of beauty in exquisite details. Its construction began in 1996 and continues today. Each year attracts more and more tourists, particularly during the summer when the castle is full with colors and greenery amid the cool fountains and waterfalls.

Because of all the castles built through centuries of history in Bulgaria have remained only ruins just enough of to remind them, it makes the Castle of Ravadinovo, the only existing castle in Bulgaria at present.
- Ropotamo reserve - a boat trip around the reserve Ropotamo
... And we continue with the incredible natural beauty and romance in Ropotamo Reserve.

Ropotamo reserve is lspread on just an area of 1000.7 ha and is a rare combination of beautiful scenery, spectacular landforms, a wide variety of coastal, aquatic and forest habitats of many rare and endangered plant and animal species and communities. On this small area are collected sea, river, marsh, deciduous, but floodplain / dense forests, different types of rock formations, beautiful beaches, but sand dunes, and all these natural resources, combined with the many historical and archeological finds. The small area of the reserve Ropotamo is a home to great biodiversity - about 60% of the freshwater fish fauna of Bulgaria, 60% of the herpetofauna, 50% of nesting birds, 57% of the mammal species. The Ropotamo reserve is a habitat for many rare animals. Here lies the East European migration route Via Pontica. The large number of wetlands in the area are a great base for many birds nesting and feeding grounds for wintering and migratory birds. on the teritorry of Ropotamo reserve are established 226 species of birds (woodcocks, finches, thrushes, Sandwich and river terns, plovers, wild geese, mute swans and songbirds, herons, pelicans, ducks, sea eagles, hawks, vultures, etc.), of which 8 are globally threatened and 70 are included in the Red Book of Bulgaria.
In dry rocky places and sand dunes there are rare reptiles: Iberian and Hermann's tortoise, leopard and Montpellier snake, snake snake and various lizards and the damp and marshy places - turtles, gray and Grass Snake, newts, green toad, toad, tree frog and Balkan spadefoot.
The Ropotamo reserve is inhabited by 50 species of mammals - among them are: red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, foxes, jackals, otters and kolonii of bats in the rock caves. Extinct species of mammals are bear, lynx and the monk seal.
Ichthyofauna is represented by 14 species of fish that inhabit the firth area of the river Beria, , rudd, carp, silver bream, chub. Many more species are registered as temporary residents.
Within the reserve of Ropotamo are established 600 species of vascular plants, about 15% of the entire flora of the country. There are protected about 11% of plant species included in the Red Book of Bulgaria, representing 83 species (71 rare, endangered and 11 1 extinct). 16 species of vascular plants are endemic and 23 tree and shrub species are Tertiary relics. In the reserve can be seen: elm, ash, maple, soft, black alder, hornbeam, hornbeam, ordinary clematis, hazel, sumac, ivy, ash, beech, oak, willow, Thracian tulip marsh snowdrop. Marshes and spills are overgrown with reed, reed, bulrush, iris, tamarisk, Burduche and white water lily. In the sand dunes are preserved typical southern seaside sand lily, sea wormwood, wild fennel and others.
An interesting part of the reserve of Ropotamo is the island of St. Thomas, better known as Snake Island. Located in Bay Arcoutino. It is the nest area of waterfowl habitat of Günther's Vole and wild prickly pear cacti planted there in the 30s of last century.
One of the most visited tourist sites on the southern coast is Arkoutino with beautiful white water lilies. Valuable for Arkoutino is that the field of white water lily in it is natural and wild.

Although Ropotamo Reserve is a strict reserve, i.e. it prohibits all human activities, the boat trips along the Ropotamo river are one of the exceptions for the benefit of tourists.
Boat trip from harbor to Ropotamo river mouth continues 60 minutes.

Herons and kingfishers fly end tourists during the walk and are especially attractive and turtles basking in the sun on rocks or fallen trees along the banks.
Especially curious is the Lion's Head - bizarre rock formation high above the right bank of the river.

- Car 4 + 1 - up to 3 people - 180 BGN.
- Car 6 + 1 - up to 5 people - 230 BGN.
- The price includes only transport
- All entrance fees, if any, are paid additionally
To book Your private excursion to the picturesque town of Sozopol - castle Ravadinovo - reserve Ropotamo i, please contact us